What's with all these "Obama birthers"? Is it that Republicans, so shocked by having a well-read, educated, somewhat liberal President in the White House, are so desperately grasping at straws to deny his validty as a leader they have to go this far even now? Is it just political sour grapes, or are conservative types really this delusional? I suppose when all your guidance in life comes from a book of hijacked Pagan myths and private conversations with an invisible sky father, your logic and reason is a little out of whack. Time and time again he has been proven to be a native citizen of the United States. Factcheck.org, Politifact, even Fox News (in the past, before this become a good way to smear the already-sitting president) has reported on his certification as geniune. Even the Republican governor of the state Obama was born in, Hawaii, has had it examined and proven to be real. Now this stupid Major Cook story has brought these fringe imbeciles to the forefront again. Really, Republicans are in such disarray right now. True, Obama may not exactly be living up to his hype, but nobody does, and at least he's a better thinker than the alternatives. I really sort of pity these people. They could be criticizing Obama for legitimate reasons, but instead, they go down this sad little road. You know you're in trouble when butthurt Alan Keyes, who Obama trounced in the 2004 Illinois Senate race, is behind your cause. This guy never met a person with an open mind that he didn't call a "communist". Cry more, Alan. Maybe it'll get you elected to something someday, just not to anything important, and not anytime soon. Really, Republitards. How sad.

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