John Swasey

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Episode 20 ENGLISH DUB Review

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Episode 20 ENGLISH DUB Review

"Oooh, dad! Can I have childhood trauma? Please? I'll walk it every day!"


Synopsis: Edward encounters his father, Hohenheim, at his mother's grave, who chides him for burning down their house. That night, Hohenheim asks Pinako about the "thing" his sons transmuted, with Ed listening in secret. The next day, after Hohenheim leaves, Ed and Pinako dig up the "thing", and it turns out to not be his mother after all. This leads Ed to believe he can bring Al back from beyond the "doors". When Ed returns to Central, he informs Al of his findings. He also calls Izumi and asks about her own experience with human transmutation. As it turns out, the dead cannot be brought back, regardless of effort. Ed and Al then vow to continue working on a way to restore their bodies.

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