random shit


OtakuRevolution.net is on its way back! Earlier this week, I got the domain working again (seems I missed a step on the host side), and tonight I've re-uploaded the first few strips - my ever-sporadic Halloween specials.

I'm currently in the process of updating all of my strips. By "updating" I mean that I'm fixing a lot of spriting errors that occurred over the first six-plus years of strips, when I had a horrible monitor that made every color value below #3C3C3C look black. (I really hated that monitor...) Basically, the outlines that look like several shades of gray, brown, green, or red will all now be the near-black #141414 I've been using consistently since the beginning of the wedding reception arc.

I'm looking at getting OR:TS back online sometime this weekend, while 2015 will be restored later. I've yet to start the sprite-fixing on that one.

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