
The Otaku Revolution Awards

The Otaku Revolution Awards I've been meaning to get to this and I'm as late as your sister's period during that scare I had with her. 2010: the future! A time when flying cars fill the air and radioactive mutants are battled with by humanoid-shaped, bipedal fighter robots under a supernova sun as Europe's "The Final Countdown"—the only surviving single of the Great Eugenic Wars of the 80s—blares from speakers on either side of your cyronic capsule as you awake to inevitable nuclear oblivion. What a world of wonder and horror! Do we dare long for the yesteryear of third gen VHS copies of DBZ movie fansubs, complete with Anime Labs "candy-ass faggot" inserts? Or do we boldly step into a world of steel and strife, where our cell phones play satellite radio, sees through clothing, and massages our DNA so that our children pop out craving only Pepsi and violence? Come with me, friends, as I take one final look behind me to the year that just passed us by.

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