
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Ep 33 Rundown - Updated w/ Subs!

Time for my instant rundown of this past weekend's FMA: Brotherhood release, episode 33. Of course, spoiler free. Fantastic episode this week. Although I'm sure Mike will find a reason to give it a 3/5 ;) This week Ed and Al make it North...
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Kimblee plays smooth criminal a bit more, catches up with Scar...
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Episode 32 Review

Episode 32, " The Führer President's Son" *****SPOILERS*****

Synopsis: Edward and Alphonse continue looking for Mei and Xaio Mei, but have no luck. Kimbley tracks the movements of Scar and Marcoh, going to the West HQ to investigate. Grumman, in drag, arrives in Central and talks to Mustang at Hughes' grave. He reveals that he was approached once by General Raven about an "immortal army", but dismissed it and was transferred. The brothers go to the library to research Xingese alchemy. Edward is told by Major Armstrong that Mei was seen headed North, and gives him a letter of introduction to go to the Briggs base, where Major General Armstrong is stationed.

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