
Lost Finale – What Really Happened (Updated)

There are a lot of stories going around, even on “popular” media outlets, that claim to explain the Lost series finale. Many of them, I believe, are wrong. Here’s my interpretation. Oh, yeah, this thing is pure spoiler. If there’s an issue with that I suggest you get around to watching the finale or get off the bloody internet. As I see it, everything that we watched on the island happened. It’s a real island, out there somewhere, that’s been a source of conflict for so many people. Oceanic 815 did crash land there, Dharma existed, the Dharma Initiative set up camp there to perform experiments, etc. etc. The sideways universe we’ve been following, that’s some sort of purgatory. Everyone there is dead and have yet to move on for whatever reason. Everything is pretty much laid out by Christian to Jack.

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