I really like how they captured the skepticism and mixed reactions the world would have should somebody like Superman turn up in the world. And of course the nod to The Dark Knight Returns. But please refrain from the shallow "IT'S TOO GRIMDARK" blanket criticism. You know the two heroes are going to end up friends, they just don't want to give away what that looks like in the FIRST TRAILER, FFS.
Falldog: Thanks for checking out Otaku Revolution’s review of The Man of Steel. Normally we don’t do movie reviews around here (not sure that we’ve done one ever, actually) but Neon and I felt that in light of the poor critical response that we take the time to write up our commentary on the film. We both liked it. I thought it was fantastic and way better than this year’s Iron Man 3. And I’m saying that as a long time Superman fan.
I'm glad they're finally doing a Flash storyline for one of these animated movies, even if it's the one that gave us the confusing New 52 status quo (seriously, how was Damian Wayne ten if Bruce Wayne has only been Batman for six years?). Kevin Conroy is Batman (just, uh... not the one in this trailer), Dana Delany is Lois Lane, Nathan Fillion is Hal Jordan, and Tim Daly's son Sam is Superman (you'll understand when you see). Oooh, and Ron Perlman is Slade/Deathstroke! Cary Elwes is Aquaman! Oh, and Cyborg's in it (who gives a fuck about Cyborg?).
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