Titans Banshee

MG Banshee ver. Titans - Complete

Ah, here it is. My latest Gundam Unicorn creation, a Banshee more specifically, themed in the lovable Titan's colour scheme. Blue and gold has always been one of my favorite schemes, well before I saw Zeta Gundam ages ago. To see this kit come together and look pretty damn amazing, with the yellow details here and there, is a long time coming. The project was envisioned months ago before I convinced PatrickGrade (of GundamGuy fame) to part with his Banshee.

His contribution, long with my FA Unicorn/Banshee frame swap, allowed for the kit to be built with two claws. I like how they look closed, almost like a giant fist, so I decided to display this kit with one closed and the other open. I'm not a fan of the built in beam cannons so those aren't like to make it onto any upcoming Unicorn projects of my own. They could make for a good mod/kitbash somewhere down the line. All in all, I'm pretty pleased with how this project turned out.

MG Banshee ver. Titans - WIP 2

Time to share some more WIP shots of my latest MG Unicorn project, more specifically, a MG Banshee painted in Titans colours. For the most part things have been going well and a majority of the kit has been painted. That's saying a lot since I counted 5 pieces in the entire thing that aren't getting one colour or another. Good news aside, I have had some major problems with my top coat though.

For whatever reason, I think because I laid to heavy of a coat, Testors' Dull Cote actually managed to make many of the pieces more lustrous. Frustrating on it's own, horrible when in contact with the decals. This issue doesn't seem to have occurred on the decals themselves, just the paint. Thus the decals are duller than the pieces around them and their lines show up really easy with the right lighting. It's almost like reverse silvering.

MG Banshee ver. Titans - WIP Start

After a bit of a Gunpla break I've returned to get started on my next MG Unicorn, this time a MG Banshee, painted in a Titans colour scheme. Instead of black for the torso and feet I'm going to go a navy blue then use a lighter blue on the rest of the kit. The frame, where I originally planned to use yellow, is going to silver. Yellow details will go here and there, as with the Titans theme, and red where appropriate. This guy is also going to have two claws, with the angry claw bits painted a metalic red (like it's heating up). Here's the current mockup...


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