Blue Exorcist (Ao no Exorcist) - 12 Episodes In

While some* may have received my earlier review as extraordinarily negative, I felt that it was pretty even handed and spot on. Since then I have been watching the series, minus a few episode here and there, weekly. I haven't been disappointed.



The series has progressed pretty much as I had expected. Sure the story may just be sticking to its basic shonen premise but it does so well. The characters are likable and varied enough to avoid cluttering the stage. The series focuses mainly on Rin but doesn't hesitate to focus on another, such as the heavily featured Shiemi. Shiemi, unlike some of the others, has received more back story and development. At first I thought I was going to dislike her character but she has developed past my initial fears. Meanwhile other classmates and teachers have thus far received enough time to either affirm their existence or promote their mysteriousness.



Where I had thought the lack of Father Fujimoto was going to be a detriment to the series, I was wrong. His passing has been handled in such a way as to not promote an extreme cloud of sadness but enough that his memory and actions are able to support those who knew him. During episode 10, Kuro, Fujimoto's familiar, reacts negatively to news of his passing. Maybe it's just the big baby in me, but I thought the episode was rather touching... awful meow-crying aside.

Plot wise there's not much to the series. The drama focuses around Rin and his true nature as different elements within the academy seek to either keep it hidden or test its limits. I'm not going to spoil anything for those who haven't read the manga but the inter-episode plot works with what's ahead. I just don't think that it's enough to sustain the whole series. At some point they're going to have to add throw in a villain or defined objective to counter what's going on now.



Animation wise the series has been rather consistent. While I don't like some of the stylistic elements, such as the squiggly smiles, they don't bother me at this point. As for the background music, without going back and listening to it specifically, I don't have anything to say. Not necessarily a good thing, but certainly not negative. 




In my review of the first episode I took offense at the ending, mainly because the track is fucking shit. The opening (Core Pride by UVERworld) which premiered in the second episode is a lot better by comparison. It follows the new trend in anime, having your main character run somewhere, but fits the series rather well. It's one of the few openings I don't skip. Supposedly there's a new opening coming the weekend of 7/10/11, and with any luck, a new ending too.



If you haven't picked up the series, and like shonen, I'd recommend it. It may not have the same style strenghts as Soul Eater but I think it's remains an apt comparison.  I may not rush to watch it every weekend but I'm glad to know that a solid 20 minutes of entertainment is waiting for me. 


Blue Exorcist, is currently available for streaming on Cruchyroll and Hulu.


*By some I mean our resident troll

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