It's been quite the while since I've posted anything Gunpla related around these parts. Part of that has been due the frustratingly slow progress on my MG Delta Plus.
I've been working on her since I finished up my review of the kit. The first bit of trouble was September. It rained for most of the month and whatever free time I did have wasn't conducive to painting. Things picked up a bit recently but I ran into trouble on several of the parts. Initially I had intended to give this a WWII German inspired night bomber scheme. Black, gray, and a bit of yellow. While the general scheme is still going forward a large aspect, the camo, has been giving me nothing but trouble. Initially squiggly, the tests weren't good enough and I figured I would go with sharp angles instead. Following some mighty frustrating paint issues I'm back at square one on a lot of parts. They're getting sanded back down and primed for a new, solid coat. I'm probably going to use a slightly different shade on them as well to add another level to the project. It probably won't be very noticeable on camera though. I still haven't decided whether or not I'm going to proceed forward with my German theme as a whole, namely the decals I ordered.
I do have some parts almost complete at least...
The frame looks gorgeous and I'm quite pleased. I think there will be just enough silver details to make the kit pop. I've already begun planning the next kit I'll do, once again attempting to enter this year's G-Shot competition. I may be doing a second kit for the contest (a referbed Kämpfer I've been thinking about for some time) but have yet to finalize the color scheme. There's also a themed PG RX-78-2 I need to get done by the end of the year. All this, of course, around the upcoming 1/48 AGE and MG FA Unicorn. The workload sounds worse now that I've written it down...