My Thoughts: My name is Brett and nice to meet you all! I was asked by Falldog if I would be interested in following Heroman here at Otaku Revolution. I immediately replied yes, and got right to work on this post. I'm somewhat familiar with Stan Lee and his works, having read some Spider-man and X-men here and there. (Anyone else notice the whole "man/men" trend in every single Stan Lee title?) I remember reading about Heroman a little last year on ANN and thought it was a pretty interesting pairing and idea. I am really a fan of Bones work, and I thought the American take on anime would be interesting. I don't watch too many shows every anime season, and lately have only been watching some older series, but I figured I mine as well give Heroman a shot. After seeing some images in the past few months, the character designs looked familiar, but Heroman didn't look like your typical mech design. It seemed less edgy and blocky, while still keeping that awesome "bad-ass giant robot" feel. I really like the setting of the show, in Western U.S.A. It is a setting rarely seen in anime, and I thought it was portrayed nicely in the first episode. I think Bones did a good job with the animation in the first episode, the character designs are familiar, but look very clean. You can definitely see the influences from Cowboy Bebop, Eureka Seven, and Gurren Lagaan (I know not all are from Studio Bones, but you can definitely see the influence between the animation styles and designs). It is tough to tell whether the animation will be consistent through out the series, let's hope so. The character Psy looks like a young Spike from Cowboy Bebop with giant hair, I love it. He's probably the coolest character introduced in the story so far, hopefully he plays a somewhat major role and it is explained why he is on crutches and what happened to his leg. The lead, Joey, has an extremely wimpy personality. He is scrawny and voiced by 20-something year old female. She does a good job, but it wasn't the voice I was expecting for the character. The more is shown of Joey in the first episode, the more it seems fitting. He has a very feminine and weak appearance, which hasn't annoyed me yet, but it seems like it may eventually. The music through the show is mostly techno-rock, which I felt was very fitting. I enjoyed it for the most part, and my thoughts on the OP and ED can be found at the end of the post. The design of the Skrugg is particularity strange and ugly, I am not a fan of insects at all. As enemies, they aren't a bad choice, but I can't see myself ever liking them like I do some other enemies in anime. It reminds me of Blue Gender's insects, which to this day creep me out. The most interesting part of the first episode is Heroman. Not much is revealed about how he operated, what he exactly is, or if he talks. It could either be really interesting or just extremely bland and boring. I'm hoping there is some back story as to how he arrived and what he is exactly, but I can only imagine the easy route out of it. It is yet to be shown what his "O" formation does, I still think it looks pretty bad-ass though so I'm excited to see it. The part of the episode where Joey is repairing the Heybo action figure really reminds me of what it is like to build Gunpla. To have all your materials laid out on the floor, working for a couple days through the night. It is really an enjoyable experience. The story introduced in the first episode seemed somewhat average, if not predictable at times. It was enjoyable, introduced some neat concepts, but wasn't amazing. I think the show has potential, and I hope it can meet it. Give it a shot if you enjoy Bones' work, prefer a slight taste of American comics in your anime, or are a mech fan in general. Overall Score: 3 out of 5 OP: