Dragon Ball Kai - Episode 58 Review

Episode 58, "Goku's New Technique, Instant Movement! Special Training Staked on 3 Years From Now"

Goku later wondered why his butt was sore."Vegeta, mah boi!"


Synopsis: Goku explains that he escaped Namek by escaping in one of the Ginyu Special Forces' space pods. He ended up landing on the planet Yardarat, where the natives taught him a special technique, Shunkan Idō (Instantaneous Movement), a teleportation technique. All Goku has to do is lock onto a specific ki and he can teleport where that ki is. He demonstrates it by teleporting to Kame Island and back, proving it by having Muten Roshi's sunglasses. Bulma suggests they take out Dr. Gero before he unleashes the Artificial Humans, but her idea is rejected by Goku and Vegeta. Kuririn reasons that it's for the best, since everyone there uses common enemies as a reason to coexist with each other. Everyone seperates to train for three years later. Vegeta has Dr. Brief construct a gravity chamber for him to train in. Goku convinces Chi-Chi to let him train Gohan, and they train with Piccolo. During his gravity training, Vegeta is injured and Bulma stays by his side as he recovers. Three years later, Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo take off to meet with the others.

"Hey, these can see through clothes!""Now, remember, Chi-Chi. You walked into a doorknob."



"As long as this helps you with your training, Ten-san." "Oh, this isn't for training, I'm just tired of your nagging to get a domestic partnership."It was at that moment that Vegeta realized he'd totally hit that.

Overall Score:

2.5 out of 5

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