
Otaku Evolution Episode 264 - Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (Part 2)

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is definitely my favorite Gundam title. The mechanical designs, the complexity of the competing factions, the mood and atmosphere, the characters and themes, all make this my favorite mecha series, period. Even above Evangelion, which features my favorite penguin! (But favorites positions are subject to change over time.)

But I don't think Zeta Gundam is perfect, and in this video, I go over some of the problems with it, and especially the disappointing movie trilogy they made.

Otaku Evolution Episode 251 - Mobile Suit Gundam SEED

Otaku Evolution is back, baby! 2024 starts with me finally getting to a particular anime bête noire of mine, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED. I just do not understand the popularity of this fizzless, lifeless drudge of a show. The "characters" are bland, the plot is largely recycled, the production values are average at best, and there's just no joy or magic to it. It's frankly one of the most soulless anime I've ever watched in my life. But it's so popular! Why?!

Well, anyway, I'm back, and it looks like I got into a little trouble over the Putin thing. Ah well.


Falldog's Gunpla Collection - State of the Hanger 2024

Falldog's Gunpla Room

You can view the full size of this on Flickr

Holy shit. It’s been seven years since my last official update on my collection. Friends and followers have seen it change in leaps and bounds since then, but for whatever reason, none of that ever made it into a blog post here. The room, which started off with just four display cabinets against one wall, just ballooned in density. More cabinets along the sides. More cabinets in the center of the room. Custom displays on top of those cabinets to fit larger items. Then I was out of space. Not long after that I ended up moving and into house with an unfinished basement. That’s where this story beings.

Otaku Evolution Episode 214 - Mobile Fighter G Gundam (Part 2)

I've been feeling a bit better these past few weeks, so I have more motivation and ideas for videos. In this part of the review, I wanted to get a little more philosophical about the anime I'm covering, even if it is a colorful and silly series like G Gundam which doesn't exactly lean on sophisticated thinking and understanding. Sometimes even the dumbest and simplest things can jog the brain. And I wanted to be a little more creative about how I covered this.

Of course, I also had to acknowledge that I actually have the Devil Gundam in Penguinopolis' lower levels. It's used to protect the colossal city-fortress with its self-repairing nanomachines.


Otaku Evolution Episode 213 - Mobile Fighter G Gundam (Part 1)


I'm back, people! I usually take January off, but I happened to need February off, too, because of mental health issues. It's one of the reasons I'm tackling my very real existential crisis in the opening bit of this video and probably throughout this season. But most importantly, I'm back to reviewing anime, and wanting to cheer myself up, I picked G Gundam, because it's a deliriously fun show by that master craftsman Yasuhiro Imagawa (who you may remember is one of my favorite anime directors).

Otaku Evolution Episode 199 - Top 10 Otaku Evolution Videos


There's not a whole lot of commentary I can provide for this one... mostly because it IS commentary on other commentaries. It's turtles all the way down. And this won't be the only favorites list this year, either. You can say I've gotten lazy, but I've been working nonstop on the 200th video (so far it's over 40 minutes long).

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Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway Review


SPOILER-FREE SYNOPSIS: It's Universal Century 105, 12 years after Char's Rebellion. The Federation continues to devour resources on the Earth, but are opposed by a group called Mafty that assassinates Federation leaders. Their leader is Mafty Navue Erin, who unbeknownst to most is really Hathaway Noa, the son of Federal Forces hero Bright Noa. After him is the Federal Force's Circe unit, led by Kenneth Sleg, a determined and tenacious officer dedicated to stomping out Mafty and its influence. Hathway must find a way to cloak his activities as he seeks to change the world.

Otaku Evolution Episode 198 - Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team

I owe Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team for getting me into the Universal Century era of Gundam. If it weren't for it, I would never have got into watching the original series, or Zeta, or Char's Counterattack. I'd have stuck with the AUs like Wing or G forever. And while there's nothing necessarily wrong with the AUs (well, some of them), the Universal Century is the biggest tent at the Gundam circus. There are Gundam titles I like more than this OVA, but it's still one of my favorites.


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