It's been awhile since I updated with my progress on this guy...

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She's certainly been giving me some heart burn for a while. What's been killing me mostly are the decals and the dull top coat.
My issue with the decals, as you can probably tell from the photos, if you look closely enough, is silvering. Despite all of the pieces reviving a proper gloss coat before hand, along with the proper dosage of Micro Set & Micro Sol, many of the decals have silvered. Worse is that it's very random and inconsistent, meaning I haven't a clue what's going on. I think it may be related to my rather unorthodox choice of body paint which I reveal when I'm all said and done.
The issue with the dull coat has been primarily due to the weather. However, I've had to do several pieces due to blotching even though I sprayed in a proper temperature. I think it's a conflict between my Testors Dull Cote and Testors Gloss underneath. Sigh. This kit really has become the bane of my existence. Curse you Gundam SEED Destiny, your legacy of awful lives in.
And a picture of the back for good measure...

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I'm repainting part of the wings right now. Parts of which need to be sanded down after a regretful SuperGlue incident. I'm not sure how I'm going to do the gold details on the funnels (not sure what they call 'em in SEED). Some bits can easily be done with some masking, others are a lot more complicated.
I also need to finish the dark gray gun bits which are about half coated right now. If the guns turn out too bad I might end up just displaying the kit with some red beam sabers. As far as their design goes I think they're pretty hideous.