
Otaku Evolution Episode 225 - Trigun: Badlands Rumble

Ah, the Trigun movie, Badlands Rumble. It's fun. And that's about all I can say about it. There's really nothing significant in its premise or execution. It's just a filler episode with high production values. Come to think of it, the Cowboy Bebop movie was like that, too, but it seemed much more significant and well-constructed. It had more of a beating heart to it. Plus, it was Cowboy Bebop, so it was already going to be better. Which is why that movie is in my favorites and Badlands Rumble is not. But it's not a waste of time, at least. And after the subject of my previous video, I needed that.

Otaku Evolution Episode 224 - Babel II - Beyond Infinity


Babel II - Beyond Infinity is a show that could have- no, should have- been better than it was. You have these characters with amazing psychic powers, giant robots, monsters, and ancient alien mythos (lol). But do they do anything with these elements? No! They waste them in Plain Jane, paint-by-numbers plots with nothing to say. Please, somebody save me from mediocre anime like this. I knew there was a reason I was putting this off. Just watch Giant Robo instead. Then rewatch it.


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Otaku Evolution Episode 222 - Mid Year English Dub Review VIII

I'm getting tired of having my videos handicapped by overzealous IP holders and foreign licensors. I just want to do anime review videos, not show entire episodes or movies. Can't these greedy corporate cocksuckers give me a fucking break? I had to edit this video a bunch of times, if you can't notice. It boils my blood.

Otaku Evolution Episode 219 - Black Jack OVA (Eps 9-10)


You know, I've been real down about my videos lately, and doing a short video on something I'm not particularly passionate about doesn't help. But it did give me an opportunity to reflect on my slight evolution in reviewing. An evolution in that, instead of just summarizing everything that happens in an anime, beat by beat, and occasionally making snide side comments, I've taken to doing more generalized summaries with a bit more of an emphasis on characters, atmosphere, themes, and the like. In other words, I generally actually *review* anime now.

It still bums me out nobody cares, though.

Otaku Evolution Episode 218 - The Big O


I'm not having as much fun making anime review videos as I used to. A lot of it is because my videos keep getting blocked on YouTube. As soon as I start getting some views, bam, I have to start all over again. Maybe you can't see it, but I put a lot of effort into these videos and it's heartbreaking to do have to keep re-editing them for YT standards. If things keep up like this, I'm seriously considering quitting and sticking to written reviews. Not that anybody reads them.

Otaku Evolution Episode 217 - Lupin III: Episode 0: First Contact

I'm happy to review my favorite Lupin III TV special, Episode 0: First Contact. Actually, it's one of my favorite Lupin features period, and one of my favorite anime movies. It's got everything I'm looking for in a Lupin feature: a great heist, excellent character balance, spot-on action and comic beats, a living atmosphere, good tone, and enjoyable music. It's a blast from start to finish, hitting all the right emotional notes. Fortunately, Discotek recently had this dubbed into English and put on Blu-Ray. I jumped at the chance to do a video on this.

Otaku Evolution Episode 216 - AD Police Files

I'm typing this in a particularly irate mood, because I'm sick, a package I've been waiting for is late (despite having paid extra to get it early), and several of my videos have been blocked on YouTube. There's not a whole lot of good tidings to give today. I'm just as liable to put a cigarette out in your eye socket. And I don't even smoke.

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