
Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen - Episode 10 Review

Episode 10, "Iron Wall! The Kurogane Five!"



Synopsis: Kouji is eager to take off in the Pilder to pilot Mazinger Z and fight the Mechanical Beasts ravaging Japan, but Tsubasa deems him unready. At this time, Baron Ashura's android women, the Gamia Q, arrive at Kurogane House to kill Kouji. As they chase him through the resort, Kouji recieves protection from Tsubasa's subordinates, who pick off one of the androids at a time. Kouji manages to get in the Pilder and take off, despite Tsubasa's wishes to the contrary.


Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen - Episode 09 Review

Episode 9, "Initiate! Operation: Invade Japan!"


Synopsis: Kouji becomes increasingly irritable as he adjusts to the Mazinger, frustrated by the Robot Corps holding him back from gaining his revenge on Baron Ashura. While Akokuji and Shiro relax at the Kurogane House, Tsubasa gives Kouji a seemingly simple test, which proves impossibly difficult for him. Meanwhile, eager to prove his/herself, Ashura takes the subfortress Saluud and releases Mechanical Beasts all over Japan.


Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen - Episode 04 Review

Episode 4, "Clash! Mechanical Beasts vs Mazinger"


Synopsis: Kouji in the Mazinger and Sayaka in the Aphrodai A are attacked by the Mechanical Beasts, the blade wielding Garada K7 and two-headed Doublas M2, while Baron Ashura attempts to bring Dr. Kabuto into the fold by choice or by force. Kouji finally gets used to the controls of Mazinger, but hesitates when he sees the innocent casualties of the battle. While the Robot Corps appears to assist, Dr. Kabuto controls Mazinger's rocket punch hand and uses it to bring him to Mazinger to instruct Kouji in person.


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