Unicorn Gundam

Weekend Project - Caged Unicorn



Everyone once and awhile it's nice to take a break from the complex projects and build something straight forward. While rewatching Gundam Unicorn ahead of episode 7's release I got inspired by doing a very simple looking deactivated Unicorn Gundam. Nothing too fancy, but something cool to add to the collection. I did that this past weekend, started painting Friday night and finished sometime Monday.

Heaven & Hell, a MG Unicorn Project - Pyschoframe Swap


Phase one is complete of yet another project I may never actually finish. Initially titled Fire & Ice, but renamed to Heaven & Hell after I saw the two kits standing together, is a basic psychoframe swap and touch up between a MG Unicorn and a MG Phenex. Honestly, I just wanted a Unicorn with a blue psychoframe. Doesn't hurt that the Phenex looks pretty good witha red frame as well.

Gunpla Rumor Time - PG Unicorn?!

The following just showed up on Samuel Decal's news feed...



MG AGE-2 7月14日
MegaSize 1/48 AGE-3 8月
RG Justice Gundam 形状試作公開 7月21日
MG Buster Gundam 8月
MG Aegis Gundam 9月
HGUC Rose Zulu 8月
HGAC Wing gundam 8月
HGAC Tallgeese 9月
HGFC Dragon Gundam 9月
PG Unicorn Gundam 製作發表 11月 ※8月のキャラホビで形状試作公開
PG Banshee 製作發表 11月 ※8月のキャラホビで形状試作公開


For those too lazy to open up Google Translator, 月 means month, so this list represents August through November of this year. The notes following the PG Unicorn and Banshee seem to indicate that it's currently in a testing phase and my premier at this year's Chara Hobby???


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