Otaku Evolution Episode 186 - Year End English Dub Review VII


2020 was a horrific year. The year saw a pandemic, social strife, and an election that seems to still linger (for some reason). We lost Kobe Bryant and Alex Trebek, and many of us lost people even closer. So it feels a bit frivolous to care so much about a silly little anime review show that few people even watch to begin with. The weight of this year is heavy. But maybe that's why we need some lighthearted frivolity now and then.

Perfect Grade Unleashed RX-78-2 Gundam - Review

Alright, let me get this out of the way. The marketing surrounding this kit is pure bullshit. Take everything you’ve heard about this being the ‘next evolution of Perfect Grade kits’ and toss it out the window. What it really is a nice PG RX-78-2 2.0 release. It’s will built, well designed, and very accessible for folks who haven’t built a Perfect Grade kit yet.

I’m also going to get a bit of a tl;dr at the top of this article which I’ll detail out in a bit…


Otaku Evolution Episode 185 - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz

Merry Christmas! Well, this is coming out shortly before THE day, but you'd all be too busy on December 25 watching Alex Trebek's final episode of Jeopardy! to watch my dumb little show. Or opening and enjoying your presents, or whatever. Maybe just getting properly wasted? I know I will. (The present thing, not the getting wasted thing... maybe.) Point is, dumb little show, you no watchy. Have a good day that day, regardless of what you do or do not celebrate. I celebrate, and I'm not even the celebrating type.

Otaku Evolution Episode 184 - Porco Rosso

Porco Rosso is basically about the titular pig man's three main relationships: his relationship with Fio, his relationship with Gina, and his rivalry with Curtis. So I broke up the review into those parts, with an emphasis on feminism and Fio. I think Fio is actually the catalyst for a lot of what occurs in the movie, and she changes Porco a little. Anyway, this is the structure of the video.

It's always great to cover a Hayao Miyazaki movie, because there is always something you can zero in on, like my video on Princess Mononoke being about Lady Eboshi. I wonder what I'll get to look at in future reviews of his works.


Otaku Evolution Episode 183 - Lupin III: Missed by a Dollar


So, yeah, this is a pretty short one, isn't it? Well, some of it is my usual laziness, but mostly, it's because I want the viewer to actually watch this one with some freshness (even though I basically show the ending, lol). It's a particularly good Lupin III TV special, one of my favorites, in fact. It has all the hallmarks of a good Lupin joint: a compelling main narrative, some good heisting, and Lupin just utterly demoralizing somebody into defeat. I mean, wow, he just wrecks this lady. It's a work of art, what he does.


So, here's Missed by a Dollar!


Otaku Evolution Episode 182 - Tenchi Universe

Why is it that we like Tenchi Muyo, again? I mean, it does bring up some pretty vivid memories of the Toonami days of my anime fandom, but despite the odd interesting concept or the rare  good moment, there really isn't a whole lot to the franchise. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to rewrite history and say that Tenchi Muyo was NEVER good, just that it wasn't as good as we once thought it. After all, our standards were different then, weren't they?

The Great Gundam & Gunpla Census of 2020

Head Image

Welcome to the results page for the Great Gunpla Census of 2020! This is a follow up to a census, of a similair title, from back in 2018. The 2018 census was a big success with a lot of interest and positive feedback. There was also a good amount of constructive feedback that I brought into this year's survey. This time around there were more questions pertaining to the Gundam franchise in general for all the folks who're into Gundam but not necessarily Gunpla. 

Otaku Evolution Episode 181 - Cowboy Bebop: The Movie


Happy Halloween! This one's a pretty straightforward review video, with just a pinch of cosplay on my (sprite's) part. You're probably wondering, "Why do Cowboy Bebop: The Movie on Halloween? Why not a horror or horror-themed anime?" Well, shut up, is why! The Bebop movie is just as much a Halloween movie as Die Hard or On Her Majesty's Secret Service are Christmas movies!

Otaku Evolution Episode 180 - Bubblegum Crash


Ugh, Bubblegum Crash. I love Bubblegum Crisis, for every little awkward quirk and lopsided plot beat in it. It's one of my favorite anime. But its so-called "sequel" is such a huge disappointment. It just feels so meager and watered-down. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like it takes place in the same world Crisis did, because it completely ignores a lot of what went on previously. Except that it has Largo in it, whose return is an even bigger disappointment. A giant fucking drill is his best plan? He had an orbital laser last time, and his weapon is a big drill this time? What is this shit? You can taste the bitterness just watching my video here.

Otaku Evolution Episode 179 - Voice Actor Appreciation 2

I thought it would be nice to do another one of these videos this year, where I take a look and marvel at the talents of three Japanese voice actors and three English dub voice actors involved in anime. I do get a little negative at times, and I want to emphasize positivity now and then. So here's a little on voice talents Norio Wakamoto, Kotono Mitsuishi, Romi Park, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, Richard Epcar, and Michael McConnohie. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


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