Outlaw Star

Outlaw Star Episode 05 - Gritty Kitty

Obviously after such a whirlwind series of events, Gene and the gang (this includes you, the viewer) have to take a break. So, we’re back at Blue Heaven, and as the Outlaw Star begins its dynamic change into the iconic ship in the opening, our remaining three heroes take some deserved R&R. Except, as per the episode title “Beast Girl! Ready to Pounce!” this isn’t going to come true.

Outlaw Star Episode 03 – All Aboard the Ctarl-Ctrain

This episode always was a bit of a lull for me. Like the last two there is quite a bit of whirlwind action taking place within the runtime, however it feels like a bit too much time is spent in transit. After putting the kybosh on their nighttime assailants, Hilda and the gang make off for the mysterious ship she spoke to Gene of last week. Obviously this means more space battles…

Outlaw Star Episode 02 – Pathos to Gail Simone’s Chagrin

In the fight for gender equality, I believe women have a more pressing group to compete towards than men: The waifu. You may wonder: “Yo, aren’t waifus women? What makes them different and treated better?” Well, it’s a matter of this.

When you stick a woman in a refrigerator, chances are she’s dead. When you stick a waifu in one, it’s for the purpose of waking her up again for some story element a bit of a ways away. The argument has an issue however in that River Tam was NOT a waifu, nor should be considered one. However, that is another story for another day (That will never come). Let’s get back to Outlaw Star.

Outlaw Star Episode 01 – Makings of a Legend?

I’ve a confession. I never really finished Outlaw Star. I watched the first half until the midpoint of what I remember is the Space Race, and then lost interest after that, except for the then-taboo “Hot Springs Planet Tenrei”. However, thanks to FUNimation and an evolved animu home media market which does not sell 25 to 26 episode series in three-volume two-disc sets with an MSRP of $44.99 each, I have decided to take the plunge once more. It’ll not only be great finishing this, but it’ll also be great having a full opinion on the complete product instead of one where I’m “Oh, what I saw was good but I didn’t finish it.”

Let’s fix this, shall we?

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