PG Exia - Gunk Washing the Stand

For my PG Exia build, which I have been too lazy to share WIP images of here, I decided to gunk wash the stand. I wanted to create a nice contrast between the clean kit and the grimy hanger scene I'm going for. All in all, I think it turned out well. In addition I'm prepping some old action bases for a proper gunk wash tutorial!


Here's how the stand looked before the gunk wash. Just a bit of paint, some pre-shading, decals, and a flat coat...


Here's how things looked after I applied the oil. It's about this time I went "oh fuck, what am I doing..."


Thankfully things went as expected...


Note that up until this point the stand was prepared without the battery pack and wires in place. I put them in before doing these last few steps to make sure I had a consistent look across the two pieces of the rear arm.

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