Long ago, in the depths of 2008, I built a Perfect Grade Char's Zaku II. It was horrible. A travesty of all things great. A concoction of orange peel'd gloss and stickers. Thus, 2012 being the end of the world, the only proper thing to do would be to light it on fire and sing a sad song in remembrance. Or I could cover it in awesome.
Yeah, I'll do go with the awesome option instead. Okay, maybe I'm being a bit presumptuous of myself.
I've had an urge to take a kit with a lot of internal detail, paint said details, and cover the outside with frosted clear parts. An idea stemming from earlier experimentation with my MG V and Nu the ideal candidate for this project would have been a PG Strike. Though, having a PG Strike already and an abundance of unfinished kits laying about picking up a whole new PG for such a silly whim was hard to justify. Thus the reprised Zaku was born.
Bandai released the PG Zaku's clear parts in two different sets. Picking up both allows one to build the kit with almost all clear armor pieces. It also comes with an assortment of extra weapons, such as a pair of bazookas and a light up heat hawk, which I plan on using as well.
Eventually all of the outer armor will be frosted, though I love the smooth clear just as much. Any non-clear parts will get a simple flat black treatment.