FOX rips off Cover Flow

Less than half an hour ago I sat down to catch some classic Simpsons, particularly Radio Bart, the one where Bart ticked Springfield about a boy being stuck in a well, later to fall in himself. During an early commercial break I noticed something familiar, Apple's Cover Flow. However to my surprise it wasn't yet another cheesy Mac ad, but a commercial for the local FOX 5 News...

Mmmmmm... Change

Huffington Post is reporting on an interesting story, McCain has chosen a new logo and slogan. Let's just say they were a tad "inspired" by Barak Obama's campaign. The problem is, when I look at McCain's new logo & slogan, something else comes to mind...
Oh, sorry if it looks like shit, 'twas a really quick edit. 30min by my count, made worse by by game six of the Stanley Cup finals. Go Penguins! (Nothing against the Red Wings, but I'm from PA and you have enough god damn Cups)

Experience you say?

Disclaimer: I apologize for all the links and's just information to support my point.

First of all…WAY TO GO OBAMA!

That’s right! Obama has officially secured the amount of delegates necessary to be the 2008 Democratic Nominee for President. After 52 primaries the Democratic Party can now, hopefully (and in theory), unite together and work towards winning in November.

This morning, I was watching a clip on YouTube of Barack Obama’s victory speech from Minnesota. While watching I scrolled down and read some comments STILL about Obama’s “inexperience.” Now I don’t know people’s party affiliation (not that there is a huge difference between Republicans and Democrats in the grand scheme of things), but when people talk about Obama’s “inexperience” I get pretty flustered. AND I turn to looking at the FACTS…

College kid gets screwed again!

A week or so ago my parents opened up their mailbox to find a check for $1,200 - meet their "economic stimulus" package from the government. Now that's all good and well for my parents, they could use an extra $1,200 for all the home remodeling they want to do around the house; but, where's my stimulus package?

I have a Social Security Number, an income higher than $3,000 and I filed a tax return. Those are the main three conditions on the Internal Revenue Services main page about the stimulus package. the fine print and no such economic luck for this 21 year old college student because my parents can claim (and do claim) me as a dependent!

Sexism and Hillary Clinton...please

Disclaimer: Yes I know the following information is out of date and Obama has secured the nomination. Yes, this is a political rant and rave. No, I am not some sort of expert of politics nor do I think I am. With that said...This was a blog post that I had on another site from May 22, but I felt like sharing it, because it's my account and I can do that.
Who will go up against John McCain in November? The answer to this question seems close at hand. According to CNN (as of Thursday May 22, 2008), Barack Obama now leads the total delegate count with 1,962 delegates; leaving 1,777 for the Senator from New York – Hillary Clinton. This is a substantial lead for Obama with the Democratic National Convention inching ever closer. However, as the end draws near the Clinton campaign has turned up the whining – in true female style.

Layman's Gunpla Guide - Construction Guide

Welcome to the construction guide! The goal here is to review some of the basics of taking transforming that box of plastic runners into a proper Gundam kit. Beginners who have picked up their first kit have probably opened up the box, looked at the runners, than the Japanese instructions. How do you feel? Excited, maybe have a sense of tribulation? Well worry not!

Despite the number of small parts and the Japanese instructions putting together a kit perhaps the easiest part of the hobby.

Basic Terminology

Before we begin it's important that you familiarize yourself with some of the common terminology. Those plastic things with all the pieces attached? Those are called runners. The parts of the runner which connect directly to the kit's pieces are called sprues. When you cut a piece from the runner and sprue there will likely be a little piece of plastic left sticking out of the piece itself, that is called a nub.

Layman's Gunpla Guide - Weathering Tutorial

Some people like their kits nice, clean, and pristine, Others like them looking like they just got kicked down a hill. Weathering can add detail from the subtle to the extreme depending on your preferences. The best part is that it's extremely easy (and cheap) to do. It's also a lot of fun. There are many different ways to weather a kit. Here are just a few.


Distressing Decals

It stands to reason that if your gunpla is getting worn down, so would the markings. This part's easy. After you've fully applied your decals, simply scratch away with a toothpick. I think it adds character.


Layman's Gunpla Guide - Top Coat Guide & Tutorial

Welcome to the top coat tutorial on the Layman's Gunpla Guide. Top coating is an incredibly easy way to add an extra dimension to your Gundam model. Unpainted kits can look great with just a nice top coat while painted kits will gain that extra umph. Top coats also serve to protect the underlying paint and details while the difference between a matte and gloss finish can dramatically change the feel of a project. Top coats, especially a dull one, has the extra benefit of helping to hide the edges of any applied decals.

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