Casino Royale

Bond Reloaded, does Quantum live to expectations?

Maybe Royale gave me far to high expectations, but I was very disappointed in this movie. Warning. Warning. Warning. Spoilers to follow. Read at your own risk.... The major thorn was the plot. It couldn't decide whether to full pull from everything that occurred in Casino Royale or if it should break off altogether and develop a new story line. It is because of this that traditional Bond plot aspects, such as the central villain, suffer. More time is dedicated to Bond and his broken, revenge seeking, heart. While tying into the last film is a good thing using it as a crutch is not. Mr. White should have allowed them to venture off into something bigger. Instead that pending discovery was hindered by the same ghosts of the past. With any luck the third Craig installment will feature a dedicated development of the mysterious Quantum of Solace group. Perhaps the biggest disappointment in the writing was the writing was the lack of cheeky humor.

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