First, may I say, Sarah Palin is a terrible, terrible person, and I hate to give her any attention. I wish we'd all stop talking about her, because we're only making her seem important, like somebody of significance. She's trying to ride on this new wave of press so she can stay in the public eye for later power-grabbing for the nutso Sky Father puppets.
So, David Letterman made a joke about Palin's daughter being with her at a baseball game, and Alex Rodriguez getting her pregnant. Unfortunately, it was her younger daughter who was at the game, not her older one, who had indeed been pregnant at a young age. The younger daughter is fourteen years old, so it would seem that David make a miss with his joke.
No, David Letterman didn't intend to imply A-Rod was knocking up a fourteen year old. No amount of right-wing delusion can possibly lead to that conclusion. Mrs. Palin needs to go back to running her shitty, frozen wasteland state, that's lucky to even be part of our country.
Then there's Mr. Letterman. What a limp-wristed ninny. Apologizing for a joke that might offend that monster Palin, who had the nerve to tell an Alaskan seperatist group "Keep up the good work", who couldn't for the life of her name a single daily publication she reads after she claimed to have read many, who would have led America down the road to theocracy with her "small town values". This is the woman he apologized to for making a flub with a joke, a joke that should have offended nobody.
In fact, if Mrs. Palin hadn't said she was offended by it, nobody would have even mentioned it. It was one of many jokes Letterman told that night. He could have outright called Sarah Palin a dumb whore and nobody would have been offended. But once Palin starts talking, all those fly over state yahoos and nutjob Faux News devotees take to the streets in protest of... of what, exactly?
A good comedian never apologizes for a joke, regardless of how offensive it is. Because you weren't sorry when you said it, and you aren't sorry who it offended.
My problem, Dave, is that you even said anything about Palin or her family at all. You're only making her more relevant, and Sarah Palin isn't relevant.
And, GOD (lol) willing, she never will be.