Hey all, did you know I had an Etsy Store? Complete with customizable Gunpla bases, stickers, and more! Please come checkout my odd collection of wares. I've also got a separate site, FalldogHobby.com, with more in depth product info. It, like everything in my life, is currently a WIP 😃
There are a lot of little details here and there that I forgot to do. Since I've been working on this kit off and on since it came out I'm not surprised more fell through the cracks. I regret not going with a darker shade of red.
It might be hard to tell from the photo, but paint is the red equivalent of the blue I used on my MG Blue Frame. The decals are, of course, from Samuel Decal.
Other than a crop, these images haven't been edited. What you see in the thumbnail are just the shadows created by my lamps. While they don't show up on a black or white background, I thought they clashed with the kit. Little bit of blue you see is from the window behind me. I should've taken these at night.