Hey all, did you know I had an Etsy Store? Complete with customizable Gunpla bases, stickers, and more! Please come checkout my odd collection of wares. I've also got a separate site, FalldogHobby.com, with more in depth product info. It, like everything in my life, is currently a WIP 😃
I actually started building this kit over a year ago. I remember picking the kit up for cheap on eBay, building it, and modifying a MG Nemo gun for it. Then, for whatever reason, I shelved it for later. Now in the past two week it's turned into an experimental test subject to finalize some addition to the Layman's Gunpla Guide.
I started off by using some IC sockets to detail the mini thrusters and proceeded to heavily weather. I created a chipped paint effect using a sponge and topped it off with some sand & soil colored Gundam Weathering Markers. Looks like the poor guy has been through a lot. All of the weathering techniques will eventually be fully detailed in the weathering section of the guide.
Of course, some more pictures...